Retiree Legislative Issues


National Level

There are issues at the national level that can have positive or negative impact on us as retirees so it is critical to watch what is happening with bills in Congress. The National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN) in Washington D.C. is a non-partisan, grassroots watchdog organization of which DEAR is a member.  Currently Bob Tompkins, past-president of DEAR serves as the Vice-President and Treasurer of NLRN.

Representing more than 2 million retirees from nearly 200 different U.S. corporations and public entities, NRLN members work to preserve the retirement benefits earned during  many years of employment through meeting with their  U.S. Congressional members across the country in their home states as well as meeting with these representatives in Washington D.C. twice a year at sponsored NRLN fly-in meetings. Your DEAR board members attend these fly-ins. Should you have any questions about the process of the fly-in and issues being addressed that you want known to your elected officials, please contact a member of the DEAR board.

You as a member of DEAR, can help preserve these benefits by taking action and contacting your local congressional representative through NRLN Action Alerts found on
See what is happening in Washington with retirees’ benefits. Check out the website.
Local Level

We interface when necessary with the MPSC staff on DTE actions impacting our benefits and with state elected officials to support issues of importance to the health of DTE Energy.